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Like many other web-sites we collect data that you browser send whenever you visit This data may include information such as Internet protocol (IP) address, domain name, referral data (e.g., the address of the website you visited before clicking through to our web-site), and browser bersion, platform type, pages visited by you, date and time of you visit, duration such visita and other depersonalized statistics.

While using web-site we never ask you to provide any personal information. under no circumstances does not transmit identifiable information such as IP-addresses and similar to third parties, except in cases when it is required by law, the courts or official authorities. The web-site collects only general information that you (your browser) voluntarily provide when you visit no personal data is collected.

Cookies Policy

Website doesn't collect any cookies.

Should we change this point we will notify you about this actions according EU Law.

Sharing information

Website administration has a partnership with Google and others who could place advertising materials and ads and text hyperlinkson on our Website . As part of this collaboration Website administration notifies all interested parties the following information:
  1. The partner companies as third-party service providers may use a cookie to customize and display your ads on the Site;
  2. Google the company in the process of collecting this information is guided by its own privacy policy;

For more information on privacy and the technology applied can be obtained directly in the center of the Google Privacy Center.